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Why You Only Need HubSpot for Your Martech Needs

Are you finding yourself spending more and more time trying to keep up with all the different marketing technologies out there?

If so, you’re not alone.

In today’s landscape, it seems like there’s a new marketing technology every day. But the good news is that you don’t need to use all of them. In fact, you only really need one.

And that’s HubSpot.

In this article we’ll share with you what a martech stack is, and why you only need to choose one.

Let’s go!

What is a martech stack?

Martech is made up of a variety of tools that help marketing teams meet their objectives, and when this consists of multiple marketing technologies, it is known as a stack. Used to optimise marketing efforts across all channels, marketers leverage these technologies to gain a number of benefits, including being able to:

  • Measure their efforts
  • Improve their marketing activities
  • Work, communicate and spend more efficiently 
  • Create stronger, smarter and engaging content 
  • Make a difficult process easier

Every marketing team needs a good stack to meet business goals and each is unique to their company. From their marketing strategy to their budget size, a martech stack is often integrated into the marketing process and although they differ there are some essential components everyone needs, such as: 

Content management system (CMS)

The CMS is a central point for content publishing. From uploading, scheduling and editing to making sure your web content is meeting your marketing strategy’s needs, the CMS is vital for creating, managing and optimising your customers’ digital experience.

Customer relationship management (CRM) 

CRM helps you track and manage interactions with customers. Used for both nurturing leads and retaining them, CRMs ensure your business grows, evolves and patterns can be spotted by integrating with other tools.

Email marketing

Email marketing is important. You need to stay connected with leads and customers. This can be integrated with your CRM, double up as your automation tools and keep customers engaged between purchases.

Marketing automation

Automation is vital in any strategy as it helps streamline the process, improve customer experiences and provide better personalisation. This ensures you deliver what customers want rather than approach them with irrelevant content.

Social media

Social media has become a critical part of almost everyone’s life. Used to interact, stay in touch and share content, social media tools help you manage posts across channels, gain social analytics and create visual content that builds your brand awareness.

Website analytics

In the digital space it is crucial you find out when, where and why people are paying attention to your brand. Web analytics allow you to track these insights as they change and a popular starting place is Google Analytics. 

However, if you are looking for a tool that integrates all of these solutions then you need to use HubSpot’s marketing analytics and dashboard.

Here’s why you only need HubSpot!

Hubspot’s marketing analytics and dashboard measures the performance of all your marketing campaigns in one place. With built-in analytics, reports and dashboards, HubSpot has everything you need from analysing your site’s performance to detailed reports of every interaction, across every channel and the revenue gained. Plus, it even has your entire team covered with: 

  • Ad tracking that measures the ROI of your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google advertising 
  • Analytics that give you insight into the entire customer journey, so you can see which marketing assets are working 
  • Automation that allows you to nurture leads with personalised campaigns that are triggered based on a lead’s specific action
  • Blog creation that is sped up with tools that keep formatting consistent, make it easy to publish and optimise for search
  • Call-to-actions (CTAs) that can be designed to make visitors click, ensure you know who clicks and measure performance over time
  • Email marketing tools that allow you to create emails without writing a single line of code, can be personalised and A/B tested 
  • Landing pages that look perfect across devices, forms are optimised for completion and content changes based on who’s viewing it
  • Lead management that gives you access to every contact’s information, the interactions you have had with them and the opportunity to close more deals
  • Partitioning that separates all of your marketing assets by team, so every user has access to the right content
  • Salesforce integration so you have a record of every email opened, CTA clicked and form submission
  • SEO that can be easily planned around your content strategy, is based on topics that will boost you in search engines and measures real SEO ROI
  • Social media tools that allow you to post, comment and manage your brand across multiple platforms

With Hubspot you don’t need multiple products in your martech stack. You can feel confident knowing how every marketing interaction is linked to closed revenue.

We are proud to be a HubSpot partner. We use their marketing tools to ensure we help you meet your objectives. Want to take advantage of what HubSpot has to offer? Get in touch today!

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